Friday, May 24, 2019


The universe of land has become a source of water that is very attractive to many people throughout the world. Many broad speculators have generated huge sums of money throughout the world.
However, not everyone who needs this market is open and available. Turning into an individual from a land showcase is not a simple task. First, you must have a lot of money. Also, you must have all important legal and approved records that confirm your status and position. In addition, regardless of whether there is cash, not everyone immediately has experience and capability in terms of advertising the land, so in the third place is the problem of not having many newcomers on the market, their essential talent. This can usually trigger low-quality exchanges, so you will not only get any benefits, but also lose an important part of your capital.
The land storefront, despite the fact that it stands out among the most ancient and preservation, all things are considered, regardless of the countless numbers, running from the entry into different registration reports and ownership rights to certain articles. In this way, the market is a kind of dinosaur, which is not fully digitized, which implies that documentation and all important administrative registers can make flat ruins.
Another decentralized project called the Global Property Register hopes to deal with various problems.

About Global Property Registration
The Global Property Register - is another age of land advertising, utilizing current innovations and apparatus, with which it is not possible to exclusively improve every property it causes, but also buy it within an enhanced framework through inward token platforms.

Benefits of Global Property Registration
The proximity of the blockchain system will allow you to simultaneously control a number of amazing records and records, while providing all important administrative, administrative and legal structures with quick access to all important reports and reports. Also, the blockchain will add to the reduction in additional budgetary costs, which have recently consumed a large portion of the landowner's capital. Another preferred perspective of the Global Property Register is the scope of the land, because this project has the opportunity to make far and wide, without limiting itself to the periphery of the country.

Meanwhile, to speed up the procedure of all activities will help inherent Artificial insights, which will not only reduce the season all to be the same, but also equip the client with all important information for the shortest possible time. Another important detail of the Global Property Register is the protection of land objects both from disaster events and from other guaranteed events. It is not a vital component that can be certified for all fields.
Likewise, the master group will provide the best and reliable items for land advertising depending on the blockchain, to be more specific:

ICO Detail Global Property List

Peaceful work within the framework will be completed with an inner token - XRX, with which clients will be able not exclusively to buy some land, but additional to pay additional administration to register their property and much more. The token itself is based on the blockchain Ethereum and meets the ERC20 guidelines.
Overall, for the improvement of the project, the designers will issue 5 billion coins with a base estimate of $ 0.005 US per 1XX. As a component of its ICO, the group intends to collect Hard Cap for US $ 25 million. This amount should be enough to run your entire model completely and start using it faster than later.

Final thoughts

Individuals who have been searching for something original and available for a long time are clearly interested in this project. Because the idea is very simple, but it can be justified for the majority. This implies that individuals will not face extraordinary problems in the activities of this apparatus.
Even so, remember about the dangers that are fully available in any way and project, so before you make any choice carefully think about it. Because my survey is only for purposes that are enlightening and do not urge you to put resources into certain projects. All I can give you is to reflect in detail on each freely chosen project. Also, for this, I usually arrange all the vital connections that you will find towards the end of this audit. What's more, for now and see you again!

For more information:


Penulis : HendrikETW
Profil :;u=1687040
ETH : 0xBA35F966D00355A577bcFa7F5BB839f6888EA7C3

Sunday, June 10, 2018



What is eCoinomic ..?eCoinomic is a platform that focuses on providing and developing financial services, using Blockchain technology as the basis for its development.
The eCoinomic platform provides financial services that users can easily, safely and intelligently use. eCoinomic provides better and smarter access to financial services for Crypto Holders.
The main purpose of this eCoinomic platform is the "development, promotion and optimization" of financial services platform based on cryptographic resources. It will provide its users with loan functions, exchanges, transfers, financial management and integration of services and systems through online payments.
Benefits of blockchain technology will be realized through the use of smart contracts from Ethereum Blockchain. Therefore, the role of this intermediary will not be done directly by the platform, but by a smart and reliable contract that will ensure the reliability of the indirect cooperation between the participants. Furthermore, the transaction itself will be done as quickly and safely as possible, as the transaction will transferred exclusively through the block chain. As for the solutions offered by this platform are:
A variety of currency options with the help of which allows to make payments in various currencies. Customers can borrow in any form, such as USD, EUR, JPY, etc.The speed of credit transactions increases with time. With eCoinomic, this will happen in just a fraction of a second.With intelligent contract facilitation, the process of blockchain and return of collateral is easy.Alpha versions will be available for people to try after pre-sales.The eCoinomic project will take over the funds and will also be responsible for attracting large-scale investors.Besides all this, it will also generate benefits for everyone, namely cryptographic owners and investors. It would be easier for them to accept cryptographic assets for various goods and services. It will also help new businesses by providing funds to help them grow in the near future.
The eCoinomic service developer tries to introduce easy and multifunctional cryptography services into the marketplace that allows for various actions (exchanges, transfers, payments between individuals, legal contracts and projects). The basis of the platform is Ethereum blockchain technology, the main programming language is Python.

Each platform user will be able to choose the optimal service pack, including:

loans, unsecured and guaranteed.
long term investment.
the level of risk associated with the level of fluctuations in kryptonite assets.
financial transactions and collateral management.
payment for commercial services through platforms like Amazon or eBay.
money transactions with Fiat, including the issuance of virtual cards with support for crypto-assets.

Service developers identify strengths such as multi-currency and high-speed transaction processing transactions. In connection with some currencies, the then eCoinomic platform for the loan will receive as collateral, not just BTC, ETH, LCH, BCH, but kryptonite of 10, lending in EUR, USD, GBP, CHF, JPY, CNY. The speed with which a fixed transaction must be made available by an integrated payment agent.
In addition the eCoinomic platform also lends Crytographic Currency Loans, This is the important, but not the only, difference between the platform and the like. Many platforms that appear to be similar to eCoinomic give participants in the kryptonite market the opportunity to borrow for business development or other purposes, enabling them to receive credit exclusively through internal tokens.
eCoinomic is completely different. Their idea is that some users can give credit to others through the use of platforms and local currency. Crypto Currency, in turn, will only be used as collateral, which will be included in a smart contract.
The loan itself will therefore be granted to users in one of the official fiduciary currencies. It may be the US dollar, the euro Europe, the British pound, the Japanese yen, the Swiss franc or the Chinese yuan.
To ensure the user's credit repayment, you must pay a deposit, which will be deposited in one of the main cryptom currencies (BTC, ETH, LO, DLL, ADA, TRX, DASH or CNC - token platform) and then returned to the customer immediately after the fulfillment of the credit obligations.
For such services, ECoinomic will charge a fee, which will be lower than that of existing legacy platforms and other financial institutions, and will depend on the size of the loan.

ICO Details:
Symbol: CNC

Pre-sale: 15.03.2018

ICO Period: May 1 - June 1, 2018

Token Type: ERC20

Total token published: 1379410661

Soft Cap ICO: 9,000,000 USD

ICO Price: 1CNC = 0.05 USD

For more information on this project you can visit the following link:



Ann Thread:




Telegram channel:

Telegram Group:!

Manufacturers: HendrikETW
ETH: 0x196E20f324D35676755e29f68085119fe2966E16

Friday, June 8, 2018


eCoinomic ICO 2018 - eCoinomic ist eine digitale Plattform, die Finanzdienstleistungen für Kryptografen anbietet, einschließlich Investitionen, Vermögensverwaltung, Austausch, Übertragung usw.

eCoinomic ist eine Finanzdienstleistungsplattform, die auf Krypto-Assets basiert. Es bietet seinen Nutzern Darlehensfunktionen, Börsen, Transfers, Finanzmanagement und integrierte Online-Zahlungsdienste und -systeme.

Über eCoinomic
eCoinomic wird 2018 eine auf Crypto-Assets basierende Finanzdienstleistungsplattform auf den Markt bringen

eCoinomic ist ein Fintech-Startup mit Sitz in Tallin, Estland. Das internationale Team hinter dem Projekt besteht aus 16 Experten und 20 Beratern und hat einen starken Hintergrund in der Entwicklung von Softwareprodukten für den Bankensektor, Beratung und Auditing in der Informationstechnologie und Erstellung digitaler Dienste zur Sammlung und Verarbeitung statistischer Daten.

Bis Ende 2017 hat das Team einen funktionierenden Prototyp der Finanzdienstleistungsplattform auf Basis von Krypto-Assets entwickelt. Die eCoinomic-Plattform soll ihren Nutzern langfristig eine Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen bieten, aber der Schwerpunkt der ersten Phase des Launchs der Plattform ist die Fiat Loan-Garantie. Fiat-Fremdwährungskredite, die von Kryptoaktiva unterstützt werden, gehören zu den beliebtesten und verständlichsten Diensten auf dem Markt für Kryptowährung und bieten Kryptoinhabern und Investoren einzigartige Möglichkeiten:

- Fiat-Geld für Geschäftserweiterung z. erneuern Miner-Hardware

-zur Abdeckung des Wechselkursrisikos und damit zur Verringerung der Marktvolatilität

-Ein sofortiges Ausnutzen der potenziellen Krypto-Assets.

Transparenz und Investitionssicherheit für Inhaber von Kryptoaktiva und Fiat-Fonds sowie die Erfüllung von Kreditverpflichtungen werden durch Smart-eCoinomic-Verträge erzwungen.

Um mit der offiziellen Veröffentlichung der Plattform fortzufahren, benötigen die eCoinomic-Teams das notwendige Fundraising über ICO. Das geplante Startdatum ist der 1. Mai. Die Unlimited Pre-Sale White List öffnet jedoch im Februar und Sie können die erste Registrierung mit dem Termin erhalten. Der Vorteil für alle registrierten Benutzer und frühen Benutzer ist die Alpha-Version mit einem Kreditservice, der durch Kryptoaktiva unterstützt wird, die Ende März öffentlich getestet werden können.

Für weitere Informationen über eCoinomic lesen Sie bitte unsere Website ... und laden Sie unser White Book herunter.
Treten Sie ICO eCoinomic bei und veröffentlichen Sie potenzielle Krypto-Assets!


Die Ethereum-Plattform
Eingabe von ERC20
PreICO 1 CNC = 0,01 USD
Preis bei ICO 1 CNC = 0,05 USD

Vorverkauf 85%
ICO Runde 1 50%
ICO Runde 2 45%
ICO Runde 3 40%
Token verkaufte 1.103.528.529
Min. Investition 1500 USD Vorverkauf 200 USD ICO
Erhalten BTC, ETH, LTC, Verschiedenes
Verteilt in ICO 80%
Softhut 9000000 USD
Schutzhelme 35000000 USD

PreICO1 CNC Preis = 0,01 USD
Preis1 CNC = 0,05 USD
Geschenk verfügbar
Erhalten BTC, ETH, LTC, Verschiedenes
Investition Minimum1500 USD Vorverkauf 200 USD ICO
Der weiche Hut9000000 USD
Harter Hut35000000 USD
Whitelist / KYCKYC

Verbotene Gebiete China, Singapur, USA

Ein Meilenstein
1.Q1 2018
Präsentiert das Projekt, Vorverkauf am 15.03.2018

Die Alfa-Version wird gestartet

Rechtliche und technische Vorbereitung.
2.Q2 2018
Durchführung der ICO vom 01.05.2018 bis zum 31.05.2018

Bauen Sie Partnerschaften auf, bauen Sie Fonds auf und vermarkten Sie Projekte.

Listing an der Börse, Bildung einer vollständigen Arbeitsgruppe, Softwareentwicklung.
3.Q3 2018
Beschaffen Sie Lizenzen, entwickeln Sie Lösungen für unterschiedliche Rechtsordnungen

Einführung eines speziellen Zahlungsagenten

Technische und rechtliche Prüfungen.
4.Q4 2018
Globale Marketingkampagne


Passen Sie die mehrsprachige Benutzeroberfläche an.
5.Q1-2 2019
Veröffentlichen Sie eine virtuelle Karte
Verbindung mit wichtigen Handelsplattformen

Startet einen Tausch mit der Funktion der Verwaltung der Sicherheiten.
6.Q3-4 2019
Bietet Entwicklungsdienste für Enterprise-Produkte und intelligente Verträge innerhalb der Plattform.

Zusätzliche Funktionalität für gemeinsame Investitionsprojekte und Risikokapitalfonds.
Vorbereitung und Durchführung eines Börsengangs.

                                                                                       UNSER TEAM

Für weitere Informationen:


Hersteller: HendrikETW
ETH: 0x196E20f324D35676755e29f68085119fe2966E16


Most technical articles and blogs recently featured one topic - bitcoin. The concept of blockchain and the cryptocurrency industry is put on the front line alone with bitcoin. After the price skyrocketed in the third and fourth quarters of 2017, the bitcoin and cryptocurrency industries as a whole began to see massive participation; in terms of fans, investors, applications, exchanges and the creation of new coins (collectively called altcoins). The open world with the idea of ​​decentralized monetary flow control, all supported by block chain technology. But still, acceptance for altcoin has not been that great for bitcoin. People have not embraced the concept of trusting alternative cryptocurrency, which has hampered the development of many revolutionary ideas involving the use of altcoin.

BitEsprite - Empowering Altcoins
BitEsprite is a crypto currency exchange with the primary goal of making buying and trading altcoin easier. Unlike other exchanges, BitEsprite offers altcoin purchases with fiat currency, which is supported with advanced technology and an easy-to-use interface. The platform also helps to trade new entrants easily, by applying the copy trading option, where they can match trader trading patterns to maximize their profits. BitEsprite also creates a list of new token ICOs at no cost, which encourages more blockchain-based innovations to grow.

An important feature of this platform is the BitEsprite Debit Card, which can be used to spend the trading benefits users receive on the platform. This card is accepted at every point receiving MasterCard.

Now, countries that have been discouraged and / or limiting the use of cryptocurrency can rethink their decision, because the problem of discontinuity can be resolved once the debit card issued by BitEsprite gains traction. Each time a swipe card can be used and tracked to a specific account, it discloses details of all the currency that people own, including the date of purchase.

What BitEsprite handles
Difficulty in buying and trading altcoin.
BitEsprite helps remove barriers to buying altcoins by allowing them to be purchased using fiat currency. Currently, USD, GBP, and EUR are supported. The platform will also have an exchange to convert other fiat currencies into the currency mentioned above. Altcoin can also be purchased in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and BitEsprite Token (BEC).

For trading, BitEsprite introduces the concept of copy trading into the crypto industry. This method has been present in the stock and forex trading industry for some time, and has generated a lot of money. Traders can match patterns followed by trade experts, where they have to pay a small fee to the expert. This ensures maximum profit and minimum risk for everyone on the platform.

Lack of interface and increased security.
The BitEsprite platform aims to provide its users with a seamless trading and holding experience. The interface is very software-driven, thus reducing the load on the user's device. Also the platform supports multiple languages ​​and also has 24 * 7 * 365 support. The platform also offers online wallets that can be connected to hardware wallets.

The platform is designed for secure use and storage purposes, maintaining the latest standards such as ISO 27001 and PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Payment Standards) to ensure safe, secure storage, storage and trading of coins.

The cost of listing ICO
Most exchanges charge heavily when new coins must be registered for their ICO. BitEsprite ensures a zero cost list, thus encouraging blockchain driven token projects to grow through the platform. It may also be a marketing strategy to include more tokens in their exchange, without any additional effort.


  • Token BEC
  • PreICO Price 1 BEC = 0.15 USD
  • Price 1 BEC = 0.425 USD
  • Available Bonus
  • Bounty Available
  • Ethereum Platform
  • Accepting BTC, ETH
  • Minimum investment is 50 USD
  • Soft cap 7,500,000 USD
  • Hard cap 21,878,205 USD
  • Country UK
  • Whitelist / KYC KYC
  • Restricted areas USA

The BitEsprite platform has a native ERC20 token, abbreviated as BEC (Confusing, many coins already have BEC abbreviations.) Wondering how exchanges will differentiate if all these are listed on the platform.). An additional discount in trading fees and exchange fees when the mode of payment is BEC.

Pre-sale is scheduled to begin on April 3, 2018, where the price of one token is $ 0.3 to $ 5,00,000, after which $ 0.5 to $ 10,000,000, and then $ 0.65 to $ 20,000,000 . Crowdsale starts on April 27, 2018 with a $ .85 token price and a minimum investment of $ 50.

Last Comment
Ideally, a new exchange is not what the crypto industry needs today. To operate with the philosophy of decentralization, every country in the world must be convinced to actively participate in the crypto revolution. Attempts must be made to find solutions that can break the country's skeptical instincts about cryptocurrency. The idea of ​​BitEsprite is noble and a boost to crypto fans, but they should be able to work on methods to integrate crypto and everyday life in a safe and traceable manner in such a way that every country is open to these ideas.

More information can be seen below:

Twitter: https: //

Manufacturers: HendrikETW
ETH: 0x196E20f324D35676755e29f68085119fe2966E16


hello friends, this time I will discuss the first Stealth Wallet Wallet Cryptocurrency with a built-in coin mixer.

In the modern world, you will not be surprised by crypto currency, even your grandmother may have heard of Bitcoin, so I want to tell you about a very interesting project, for those who understand a bit more than the average grandmother in blockbuster. Think of using crypt is not something illegal, but almost always illegal, because the required legislation does not have time to write the necessary legislation, in addition, very specific of the distributed registry does not allow you to set the crypto-course in the way of authority taxes and other public services want to know all about our finances. This information they have long received from the original bank of everyone, Bitcoin or Ethereum (I'm not talking about Dash or Zcash) is certainly not what they do, but they can not even do it. So they have to fix themselves - manually and with the help of AI to calculate who has the address of this wallet or that. It's not so hard to do, mostly crypto-currency users of the same people who barely imagine a computer device.

Therefore, they deploy their addresses in public access and it becomes very easy to identify the owner of the wallet by tracking the chains that post the registered addresses - the telephone number used to send the mail - Another account of that person registered by mail or same phone number. Everything, in most cases, is enough to "rip the blanket". Why do not you want to hide your identity? Everything is stale, not a secret purchase of drugs or weapons (though not in the basement), it's a matter of hiding your money. The reason is the cases of beatings, kidnappings, or even the massacre of major Crypto industry players, tax evasion, the illegality of the scope itself in the country (in some countries there is a full or partial ban on the use of the crypto currency). As you understand the road to money and success, people are not too concerned with the state's view that it is forbidden to engage in blockades. And after all, you can understand people, one case is criminal prosecution for murder or theft, etc., Another thing is prosecution for using the latest technology for its own enrichment, without any fraud schemes. And all these very long advantages cause one - there is a demand for anonymity, there must be a proposal. These proposals are the Stealth Project, an anonymous Tor browser and a multi-currency purse with built-in co-mixer. Currently, the project is pre-Seil, ICO itself lasts only a month from June 1 to July 1, which shows the project's trust in successful collection, in today's market, most projects are forced to extend the seil, to get at least Soft-cap. I will immediately say that according to the idea of the project - the team remains anonymous, I think it is also a problem for such a project they can be tortured structures that fight the laundering and disclosure of unlawfully obtained money. I will not convince you to invest in this project, although personally it seems I am quite promising. I just encourage you to get acquainted, because logic tells me that projects that help hide money, besides me, can be attracted to very wealthy people. I will follow it and I will definitely use it if they release the finished product. Thank you for reading long post and good luck to you in the difficult problem of developing crypto currency and make money! Useful information:

PRE-ICO [01/06 - 10/06/2018]
ICO [11/06 - 01/07/2018]

Further information :
Stealth Whitepaper:
Stealth website:
Stealth Reddit:
Stealth Youtube:

Manufacturers: HendrikETW
ETH: 0x196E20f324D35676755e29f68085119fe2966E16


DECOIN ist eine dezentrale Münzhandelsplattform, die ihre Gewinne an die Münzbesitzer verteilt. DECOIN ist eine Blockchain-basierte "Profit Sharing Exchange" -Münze. DECOIN baut eine bekannte, schnelle, einfache und einfache Exchange Multi Currency and Trading Plattform, die ihre Wechselvorteile mit allen ihren Münzhaltern teilt. Darüber hinaus verspricht erstklassige Sicherheit seinen Benutzern eine einfache, lässige und zuverlässige Handelserfahrung, um sicherzustellen, dass die Transaktion abgeschlossen ist.

Decoin ist ein technologisches System für Anwender Kryptowährung ganz sicher ist, so dass Anwender das Potenzial ihrer Münzen voll auszuschöpfen, indem der blockchain selbst mit Dezentralität ausrichten. DECOIN möchte einen weltbekannten weltweiten Kundendienst aufbauen, um die Einführung von Kryptowährungs- und Blockchain-Technologien zu erleichtern. Dank des Konsensalgorithmus PO, alle Inhaber der Münzen auf dem Spiel / gedruckt Decoin in ihren Online-Wallets (Voll Knoten) für Zinssatz von 6,2% pro Jahr, bezogen auf die Menge Decoin sie in Betracht.

Decoin ist ein technologisches System für Anwender Kryptowährung ganz sicher ist, so dass Anwender das Potenzial ihrer Münzen voll auszuschöpfen, indem der blockchain selbst mit Dezentralität ausrichten. DECOIN möchte einen weltbekannten weltweiten Kundendienst aufbauen, um die Einführung von Kryptowährungs- und Blockchain-Technologien zu erleichtern.

DECOIN ist eine Blockchain-basierte "Profit Sharing Exchange" -Münze. DECOIN baut eine bekannte, schnelle, einfache und einfache Exchange Multi-Currency und Trading Platform auf, die ihre Wechselvorteile mit allen ihren Münzhaltern teilt. Darüber hinaus verspricht erstklassige Sicherheit seinen Benutzern eine einfache, lässige und zuverlässige Handelserfahrung, um sicherzustellen, dass die Transaktion abgeschlossen ist.

Dank des Konsensalgorithmus PO, alle Inhaber der Münzen auf dem Spiel / gedruckt Decoin in ihren Online-Wallets (Voll Knoten) für Zinssatz von 6,2% pro Jahr, bezogen auf die Menge Decoin sie in Betracht.

Unsere Vision und Mission ist es, die führende Handels- und Handelsplattform für Kryptowährung in der Welt zu werden.

Sie werden unser Partner im Profit sein. DECOIN steht für "Die Münze des Volkes" mit der Absicht, den Pool der Liquidität und die Vorteile des Austausches mit unseren Mitwirkenden zu teilen. Unsere Aufgabe ist es, eine erweiterte Exchange-Plattform für Kryptowährung Benutzer zu haben, es ihnen ermöglichen, das Potenzial ihrer Münzen auszunutzen, indem er mit der dezentralen Natur des blockchain selbst ausrichten.

Kryptowährung neuer kundenorientierte Service wird eine Reihe von exklusiven Vorteilen für die Nutzer, einschließlich der weltweiten Zugänglichkeit zu einfache Menschen einzuführen und die Loyalität einer durchschnittlichen jährlichen Steigerung von 6,2% belohnen, die für alle Inhaber von Münzen garantiert Decoin sich in der Brieftasche zu abzusteckende Plattform. Ziel von DECOIN ist es, Menschen aus der ganzen Welt zu unterrichten und zu erreichen, unabhängig von ihrer Erfahrung oder ihrem Wissen über den Kryptowährungsmarkt.

Die größte Herausforderung für digitale Münzhalter und -händler besteht darin, ihre Kryptowährung anzuwenden und sie für tägliche Ausgaben und Ausgaben zu verwenden. Im Gegensatz zu FIAT müssen aktuelle Kryptowährungen immer noch viele Einschränkungen überwinden, um in den regulären täglichen Gebrauch aufgenommen zu werden.
DECOIN ist das erste Unternehmen, das ein ausgeklügeltes Portemonnaie entwickelt hat, mit dem Sie Ihre digitale Währung jederzeit und überall ausgeben können.

DECOIN bietet fünf (5) verschiedene Arten von Kreditkarten mit unterschiedlichen Vorteilen - abhängig von der Höhe Ihrer DECOIN-Investition.

Neues digitales Assets ist Kryptowährung „exchange Gewinn“ dezentraler Blockchain mit börslichen On-Premise und in der nahen Zukunft Handelsplattform - D-TEP. DECOIN zielt darauf ab, eine bekannte, schnelle und einfache Multi-Währung-Handelsplattform und einen Multi-Währungs-Handel zu bieten, der Gewinne mit allen seinen Münzbesitzern teilt. Dies bedeutet, dass unabhängig davon, ob der Markt steigt oder fällt, der Nutzer dennoch Einnahmen aus Transaktionskosten und Tagesvolumen erzielen kann, die sich im Tausch akkumulieren. Jeder Benutzer, der lauert / Mine Decoin nin Online-Geldbörse würden sie für eine Wachstumsrate von 6,2% pro Jahr in Betracht, bezogen auf die Anzahl Decoin von jedem Inhaber einer Münze gehört. Darüber hinaus ist DECOIN stolz darauf, ein Höchstmaß an Sicherheit zu bieten, damit Benutzer die Welt der Kryptowährung ohne Sorgen erleben können.

Im Gegensatz zu anderen Kryptowährungen auf dem Markt verwendet DECOIN den Proof of Stake Consensus-Algorithmus (POS). Das Entwicklerteam erklärte, dass das POS-System den Benutzer dazu zwingen würde, das Eigentumsrecht an einer bestimmten Anzahl von Kryptowährungseinheiten anzuzeigen. Dadurch profitieren Kunden von erhöhter Sicherheit, Energieeinsparungen und müssen keine teure Hardware bereitstellen.

"Unsere Plattformen sind vollständig eingerichtet, vollständig sicher und transparent", sagt das Team von DECOIN.

DECOIN ist für jeden zugänglich, unabhängig vom geografischen Standort. Um den Komfort des neuen Kunden zu sichern, baut DECOINs Entwicklungsteam eine starke Vertriebsplattform auf, die Partnerschaften mit führenden Call-Centern in mehr als 50 Ländern auf der ganzen Welt umfasst. Das DECOIN-Team ist auch bereit, jedem Partner und Investor beizubringen, wie man in Kryptowährung handelt und investiert.

Alle Informationen können auf der DECOIN-Projektwebseite eingesehen werden, außerdem gibt es einen Link zu allen sozialen Netzwerken des Projekts, wo Sie ausführlich und zeitnah Neuigkeiten erhalten und den Prozess der Entwicklung und des Aufbaus der Plattform beobachten können.

Weitere Informationen und Updates finden Sie unter folgenden Links:


Hersteller: HendrikETW
ETH: 0x196E20f324D35676755e29f68085119fe2966E16

Thursday, June 7, 2018


Community Greetings.


A breakthrough digital solution that involves Cryptocurrency transactions. Use the new exclusive feature to make ZeCash the next Ze of Coin. New Protocol to Ensure Proof of Stake, New Staking Concept, new anonymity features, striking network processing, and more. For e-commerce, personal payments, online business, retail stores ... ZeCash will speed up transactions with customers and suppliers in a decentralized security environment.

Innovative digital solutions with cryptocurrency transactions. Use the new exclusive feature to make ZeCash the next Ze of Coin. New protocols for securing stack detection, new reconnaissance concepts, new anonymity features, eye-catching network processing, and more. For e-commerce, personal payments, online business, retail stores ... ZeCash speeds up transactions with customers and suppliers in a decentralized security environment.

Proof of Stake (POS) is a kind of algorithm in which harmony destruction occurs through the cryptocurrency chain. The next block writer on a POS-based dome is selected or selected through various combinations of random and wealth or age options. Compared to Cryptocurrency based on POW (proof of work), Bitcoin uses intricate cryptographic puzzles to mark valid transactions and create new blocks.

There must be a way to select the next valid block in each block. Making a choice through account reconciliation will result in an unwanted focus because the richest members have long-term benefits. To avoid this, various methods have been proposed. Before we discuss proof of programs and sharing programs in Zecash, we discuss job certificates (POWs).

Proof of work for the first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. It uses puzzles, not just puzzles, but intricate puzzles associated with cryptography to validate transactions made and even create new blocks. The secret currency known as POW is Bitcoin and Lite coins.

  • Detection of miners for mining
  • Prove it with Minters for mint blocks

Advantages of the POS stack The proof value of vouchers can be up to 1,000 times cheaper than proof of work based on energy consumption. According to Bitcoin mining operator, energy consumption in 2014 is 11,388 kWh per Bitcoin. This is equivalent to burning 752 gallons of gas in terms of carbon emissions.

In the Zecash stand
It is an uplifting process to reward those who put their Zecash coins in their wallets to confirm the transaction. Our users engage in coin shopping and stay in their wallets for a while. It's like saving money in time deposits for long periods of time. Here, the owner of the new block is selected based on the person's stock. Shares are converted here into user assets or the number of Zecash owned by the owner.

Stakeout option with CABS and RBS
Heavy Miners can easily be made by weighing the amount of money users have, but that will deprive justice because only the rich are chosen. To solve such problems, Zecash will use:

CABS (selection by coin)
Here the miners were chosen to use the Zecash coin age. The currency age can be loosely translated, how long the coins are kept, and the age of the coins multiplied by the currency. To compete, the age of your coin should be more than thirty days, and the older the money, the more likely it will be chosen. Once elected, the wrong person can remain on the throne for only ninety days to forever falsify those who have older government coins.

RBS (Random Blocks Selection)
The random selection method that determines who follows is Minter by combining their inventory size and the lowest hash value. Since stock size is public, it is transparent. This closing scheme is more environmentally friendly and very friendly compared to its alternatives, it consumes a lot of energy for extraction.

Secure POS with ZeProtocol
There is no better way to get the most common security breaches into the Proof of Stake network and how Zecash fixes it with our exclusive Zeprotocol.

ZeProtocol Zepascol solves this problem by using dual protection and age protection. Coins are stored up to 30 days to start the next block competition. A bigger chance to sign the next block is a set of coins that keeps on increasing. However, once the coins have been placed and used to sign the blocks, they must start with "zero coins" and therefore have to sign another block at least 30 days in advance. It should be noted that the possibility of finding the next block reaches a maximum of 90 days to prevent or stop the aggregate or large inventory collection by the control gate chain.

51% of attacks
This problem occurs when an angle contains more than 51% of each block chain, usually due to a defense mechanism in which the coin used in the warehouse is locked for a short time and then can no longer be sold on the stock market or anywhere.

The ZeProtocol solution
Zeprotocol will use MOS (Operating System Maturity) an exclusive algorithm that Zecash has to develop over a long period of time. Then it can be used on another milestone. To understand what it means is the best way to understand work. To do this you must compare it to the Bitcoin job, where the mining machine is not bothered by 51% of the attacks. In this case, attackers have to wait longer than they can use the money in sending MOS (Operating System Maturity), the proprietary algorithm that Zecash must mature in that period. Then it can be used on another milestone. To understand what it means is the best way to understand work. To do that you have to compare it with the work of Bitcoin, where the mining machine is not bothered by 51% of the attacks. In this case.

To receive information about Zecash at this time, please follow these important links:

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Twitter: https: // twitter. com / ZeCash_official

Author: HendrikETW
ETH: 0x196E20f324D35676755e29f68085119fe2966E16