Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Datareum is a decentralized market that allows individuals to monetize their personal data, sell it directly to market researchers, academic researchers, and other interested parties. Built on the public blockade of Ethereal, the Datareum platform will facilitate sensitive peer-peer peer transactions from sensitive personal information safely, without the risk of hacking. Using online surveys as a starting point for building markets. Datareum will use an incentive mechanism that, in the long term, will ensure the availability of superior quality custom data, which provides an indispensable tool for researchers of all types.

Operating mostly behind the scenes, data brokering is a business that collects and stores personal information about consumers and sells it to organizations that need that data to design their marketing strategies. The report of the US Federal Trade Commission of 2014 identifies data brokers as companies "gaining and sharing large amounts
consumer information, usually behind the scenes, without consumer knowledge, "

Data brokers collect this information from various sources such as government records, browser cookies and credit / debit card transactions. The various data types associated with this market include consumer data, commercial data, scientific data, reaI-estate data and geo-location data.

Value Data
Actually measuring the true value of the data is not easy because the application for its use is growing rapidly. But as an example we can see that by 2016 Microsoft acquired a LinkedIn online professional network for $ 26.2 billion. Globally, LinkedIn has approximately 100 million active users per month prior to acquisition. A simple calculation tells us that Microsoft pays about $ 260 per month 'active users.

For companies seeking profit, data has significant value. In 2013, analysts predicted that investment ROI in Big Data would increase from 50 cents per dollar invested at that time to $ 3.50 per dollar within three to five years 2. According to McKinsey Research, the use of data analysis by marketers can better. increase ROI by 10720% 3.

Expanding on applicant A basis, if they choose, can resell the data. To do so, they use the initial case, Datareum simply enter the data they have paid back into creating an ecosystem that, the data market, sets whatever price they choose as we will see, the data 'Other applicants can then choose to purchase which includes data flow. The results of data sales are split between data, tokens, and goods and original data providers with the usual and the services offered by the commission are extracted into Datareum funds. In this way, the applicant through the original data request subsidizes and potentially sells the voucher. Even the advantages of the data they do. While the data provider is compensated for additional sales.

Markets of Goods and Services
Offered by Requester
Requesters, they choose, may offer gocds and m servwces for DTN exchange. For example, \ f 100 DTN: $ 100 an applicant can offer to buy 75 DTN ($ 75) from an exchange provider for a product that sells for $ 100. So it makes sense to let them need the offered product because they get the dlscount value. This makes sense to the applicant because they can guarantee that the money porter is spent on research \ 5.

Refer other users.
The data provider whose referrer user completes
at least 1 survey can earn bonus tokens
Marketplace Vouchers

Wntten For all smart contracts in the data market IS the cost of transactlon is taken whenever there is a successful data trading for DTN. Thls transactlon feere presents the method of profitability of Datareum from Infrastructure lt IS creatlng. What is not lost to Datareum that it is, m [hlS considers to act as an intermediate, the essential difference that the envwlon network is dlstributed and decentralized. Datareum does not maintain centralized servers from sensitive mformatlons but only builds infrastructure for a decentralized data market. Thus, the intermediate cost can be greatly reduced compared to the legacy platform.

Eco System
Liquid market for DTN is achieved: Data Provider may sell DTN received on the open market or resell the Data Applicant to purchase goods and services.

Distribusi Token & Penggunaan

17 Nov Research & development concept
18 Mar The launch of the DTN website, community, air and gift programs
Apr 18 DTN Pre-Sales
18 May General Sales Whitelist List
Jun 18 General Sales DTN
Jul 18 Token issued after KYC
August 18 Token is listed on the exchange
Q4 2018 Smart contract settlement for payments and data exchange services
Q4 2018 Wallet system
Q1 2019 Launch of Provider & Requesting web portal
Q1 2019 Launch of iOS and Android apps for both Provider & Requesters
Q3 2019 Continue acquisitions and strategic investments to support the adoption and growth of Bitcoin, Blockchain, and FinTech globally.
Q4 2019 Launch of Marketplace Data
Q1 2020 The e-commerce platform for registering products from requester, must be paid at DTN
Q2 2020 Launch Marketing campaigns across Europe and the United States
Q3 2020 Launch Marketing campaign in Asia

Further information:
Website | https://datareum.net
Telegram | https://t.me/datareum
Twitter | https://twitter.com/datareum
Medium | https://medium.com/datareum
White Paper | https://www.datareum.net/whitepaper.pdf
ANN | https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3115745

Manufacturers: HendrikETW
Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1687040
ETH: 0x196E20f324D35676755e29f68085119fe2966E16

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